Dick and Diane Shafer – Friends of Racker & Tompkins County United Way
Dick and Diane Shafer are friends of Racker, and many other organizations in our community. Each year, they generously give to local nonprofits through the Tompkins County United Way. Mr. and Mrs. Shafer choose the United Way as their vehicle to give because they understand that both organizations play an important role in our community. Thank you to the Shafer’s for supporting great nonprofits in our neighborhoods.
The Shafers had this to say,
“We are pleased to support Racker and its partnership with the United Way of Tompkins County. Our gift to the United Way supports many of the wonderful social services in this community, but we wanted to go beyond our regular gift and make an additional donation through the United Way to Racker because it supports services that are personal to our family. Although our nephew does not live in our community, he is supported by the services of a similar organization in his community. We wanted to help those in our community have the same opportunities through the much-needed services of Racker.”
Learn more about Tompkins County United Way and make a donation to support their community campaigns.
Take a look into how Tompkins County United Way supports organizations like Racker and the tremendous impact that they have: