Family Driven Care Management Services

CHHUNY, Racker, Ithaca
CHHUNY, Racker, Children's Health Home of Upstate New York

    What is a Children’s Health Home?

  • A Children’s Health Home is a care management service model where ALL of a child’s caregivers communicate with one another and the family to address the child’s needs.
  • Racker will provide a care manager to eligible families, children and youth to provide access to services assuring they have everything necessary to be healthy, manage their health care, and stay out of the emergency room. The Care Manager supports services that a family may already be receiving and will help families with future referrals.
    • Who is Eligible to enroll?

  • Children from birth to age 21 must be enrolled in Medicaid and have two or more chronic health conditions OR one single qualifyer and could benefit from this level of care management. Single qualifiers include, but are not limited to:
    • Mental Health Conditions
    • HIV/AIDS
    • Severe Emotional Disturbance
    • Complex Trauma
  • Chronic health conditions include conditions such as: developmental disabilities, diabetes, asthma, cystic fibrosis, diverticulitis, hypertension, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, spina bifida, malignancies, and/or chronic infections.

    Racker has experts on staff that will be happy to work with you to determine if a child is eligible.

  • Why would I want to enroll my child in a Health Home?

    At Racker, we understand caring for your child can be a complicated and often exhausting experience. In response to the needs of the families we serve, we are proud to have joined together with the Children’s Health Home of Upstate New York (CHHUNY) to provide Care Management Services that put your family first.

    Key Point of Contact

    We understand families spend countless hours being transferred from department to department trying to get critical answers and information regarding your child’s services. When you enroll in a Health Home, your Care Manager becomes your key point of contact in managing the services for your child.

    Service Coordination

    Critical to a healthy child is ensuring each service provider works together and always in the best interest of the child. A family’s Care Manager will have access to information on each service their child is receiving, enabling them to stay in constant communication and eliminating redundancy of service. The vast network also provides linkages to related services such as Adult Health Homes and many more.


    The Care Manager is an independent position that works for you. Following the CHHUNY model of care, this position strives to learn about the unique needs of each family and work with them to make the most appropriate decisions for the family.

    Advantages of the CHHUNY Network

    Families have the choice to select from a number of approved Children’s Health Homes authorized by the New York State Department of Health. The CHHUNY network, of which Racker is a member, is New York State’s largest and serves 54 of the 61 counties in New York State. This large network not only gives families access to largest list of providers and it care managers but the services can travel with you.

      Why would I want to enroll my child in a Health Home?

  • Comprehensive Care Management
  • Care Coordination and Health Promotion
  • Comprehensive Transitional Care
  • Individual and Family Support
  • Referral to Community and Social Support Services

  • Contact Information

    Tompkins County

    Lori Drake

    Cortland County

    Kathy Lind
    607-753-9376 ext. 149

    Tioga County

    Heather Hoffman
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